Why Coffee is the Perfect Summer Drink
The Pacific Northwest isn't usually known for its hot weather, but it's a welcome sight when the sun comes out. Enjoying sunny summer days leads to vital health benefits, including Vitamin D and improved psychological health, improving a person's well-being.
The sun is essential for health, but it is equally important to prepare for sunny days. Besides plenty of sunscreen and drinking water, stopping by a café can also help people protect themselves against sunlight.
One problem with spending time outdoors is the risk of too much UV light exposure. The light damages the skin, and it is up to the body's immune system to repair the damage before it causes permanent damage. This is why a person may suddenly feel tired after coming home from a day in the sun.
Roasted coffee beans are rich in antioxidants, important nutrients that can help strengthen the body's immune system. Drinking a cup of iced coffee can help keep a person's skin safe while also providing plenty of energy for summertime activities.

Coffee drinks also have the added benefit of keeping a person hydrated throughout the day. Sitting down at a café can help a person feel refreshed, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of sunlight with as few drawbacks as possible.
Consider other summer-friendly foods when visiting a café during the warm summer months. Soups, sandwiches, and fruit all provide large amounts of antioxidants and are great choices to pair with coffee.
Visit a local café to enjoy the warm summer months better. Dilettante Chocolates has several Mocha Café locations near the Seattle area to help enjoy the summer weather. Stop by and enjoy cold-brewed coffee alongside freshly prepared meals, baked goods, and chocolates.